Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Vegetarian Journal I'm A Vegetarian But I Accidentally Purchased A Bonded Leather Journal?

I'm a vegetarian but I accidentally purchased a bonded leather journal? - vegetarian journal

I have purposely not buy, knowing it, that it was leather, I saw him dropped, bought it used realized, then, "OMG, this is made of leather." I felt guilty if I had the whole night and could not go back. I thought about how I was being watched, when I people say I am a vegetarian (I eat dairy products) to start, then write in a newspaper made of leather! Then I began to think I am not perfect! At least I did not try to eat consecrated animals and think about when I was a bad man, not thought twice about the skin. The leather is everywhere, and I know he can not be avoided at all times, the car stearing wheel ... at least know that the animal is something for me, although I'm still with the newspaper, want to throw not only to ... is bad for the environment anyway. Tell me what you think? Am I a bad person?


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