Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hartz Flea And Tick Are Hartz Flea And Tick Drops Any Good For Dogs?

Are Hartz flea and tick drops any good for dogs? - hartz flea and tick

Anyone who has had experience with them. Do they? Are they safe. I've heard people say that dogs can become sick or from them, but I think, because if they are not on the market.


No name said...

No, it is not certain, and the counter products are not regulated by the FDA for these companies do everything that they want.

Believe what you want, but not dangerous and had to die Hartz problems with products, dogs and cats, Hartz and others assigned to OTC products ..

The fact that a product on the market dose not safe.

Notice shall be included all the diet pills because of health problems and doctors, but not on the market ..

So, if you think this is a problem with fleas on your dog a favor they are safe and go to your vet for their products.

WolfySp... said...

They are horrible. Pets can cause death. They were on the market to earn money. They pay no attention to peoples pets. Please pay to buy a little more to the real thing in the animal hospital to.

Bobbie L said...

In a word - crap. Questions please contact your veterinarian and appropriate medication, he / she is.

Hartz had a bad reputation after year. I do not believe in the treatment of dogs given up wwith my counter believe is a waste of money.

Stalkers are cowards & thieves said...

It is "dangerous" ... cheapazz just leveled! Intentionally, the idiot of the poisoning of animals.
All this is highly undesirable DUT is useless!

Sophia ♥ said...

DO NOT TRUST their ARNT SURE TO GO TO SMART DOG PET and ask them things work or go to the local FEP.

Sophia ♥ said...

DO NOT TRUST their ARNT SURE TO GO TO SMART DOG PET and ask them things work or go to the local FEP.

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