Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Get Well Messages Christian Is The New “Jesus; All About Life” Christian Spam In The US As Well Or Is It Only In Australia?

Is the new "Jesus; all about life" Christian spam in the US as well or is it only in Australia? - get well messages christian

I noticed that almost every church in Sydney, the new marketing strategy at the front of the advertisement. This is a banner with "Jesus" in big letters, then the sentence "All about life" after. It was also advertising on television. It directs people to a website where you can post a photo and a short message on Twitter style, and with this "Jesus" for what they want. Christian spam.


wickedsw... said...

I have not seen that in the United States, but ...

Marielle said...

Rarely see signs or banners of any kind against a church. I am aware of tents, but that's normal here to take the title of the sermon or a thought of the week. Neither side Jesus Twitter or text on the TV
I regret what happened and is worrying a lot of people.

Anonymous said...

Hey Gentleman Jack site is

Come troll me!

Jesus Chrysler said...

Not that I've seen. I believe that we Christians are different, but just as empty and empty slogans.


I need this line!

which should be troll troll troll!

netbook (suspended) said...

I have not seen in Australia.

cynica said...

I did not know that Jesus has a Twitter account.

rockoroc... said...


Definition: A form of worship. Includes a system of religious attitudes, beliefs and practices which may be of a personal nature, or be defended by an organization. In general, religion involves belief in God or many gods, or treatment of people, objects or forces of desire as an object of worship. Much of religion is based on studies of human nature is based, it is also revealed religion. It is not true and false religion.

Why are there so many religions?

A current table concluded that 10 major religions and sects around 10,000. Of these, there are about 6,000 in Africa, 1200 in the United States and many other countries.

Many factors have contributed to the development of new religious groups. Some have said that the various religiousns on behalf of all other forms of mediation of religious truth. However, close comparison of their teachings and practices with the Bible that the diversity of religions, because people hear do not follow men rather than on God. Remarkably, largely on the lessons they have in common, but they differ from the Bible, its origins in ancient Babylon. (See pages 50, 51, entitled "Babylon the Great").

Who is the initiator of the religious confusion? The Bible calls Satan "the god of this system of things." (2 Cor. 4:4) We are warned that "things that the United Nations that sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons, not God." (1 Cor. Sure 10:20) How important to make sure we really worshiping of the true God, the Creator of heaven and earth, and that our worship him like!

All religions are acceptable to God?

Thu 10:6, 7: "The children of Israel from doing evil in the eyes of the Lord and began to serve Baal and Astarte, and the images of the gods of Syria and the gods of Sidon and the gods of Moab and the gods of the Ammonites and the gods of the Philistines. So leave the Lord and He is not. Before the LORD burned against Israel. "(If a person loves something or someone other than the true God, Creator of heaven and earth, it is clear that their form of worship is not acceptable to the Lord.)

Mark 7:6, 7: "He [Jesus], they said the scribes and Pharisees [] Jews: 'IsAja law prophesied about you hypocrites, as it is written: "It makes me realize that with their lips but their heart is far from me. It is worship in vain to organize myself, because they teach as doctrines commands of men." to confess' "(Beyond which a group of religion, the teachings of the people when they replace the inspired Word of God, his worship in vain.)

Rome. 10:2, 3: "I bear witness that they have a zeal of God but not according to precise knowledge, then, because not knowing the righteousness of God, but try to have their own, not under God's justice." (People is the written Word of God, but the lack of precise knowledge of what it contains, because it has been properly taught.May have felt a zeal for God can not do but what she needs. His admiration did not please God, is not it?)

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