Friday, February 5, 2010

How To See Yourself With A Different Hair Color Is There A Website Where I Can Upload A Picture Of Yourself And Look At Different Hair Colors?

Is there a website where I can upload a picture of yourself and look at different hair colors? - how to see yourself with a different hair color

I'm tired of my hair color after several years, bleached blond and I try to figure out, what color would be best for my skin color. A friend of mine told me about this website, which you use, and you can upload your photo, and different colors / styles. Unfortunately, it is not the name of the site. Does anyone happen to know what I mean? Thank you for your help.


city girl said... is best!

~-Suger... said...

Yes, try this,

It's cool that you can put yourself and make-up

Or try

clutzmuc... said... and click on the criteria of the study

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